2017 musical film was a smash hit amongst viewers around the world —
but more than just it’s catchy songs and riveting performances, The
Greatest Showman had
plenty to teach audiences about success and happiness.
2017 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.
a star-studded cast that includes Hugh Jackman, Zac Efron, Michelle
Williams, and Zendaya, the film is loosely based on the life of
entertainer and visionary P.T Barnum and how he created the Barnum &
Bailey Circus. The film is set in the 19th
century and allows viewers to follow Barnum’s pursuit of creating
the ‘greatest show on Earth’ as well as the struggles,
characters, and triumphs that he encounters along the way.
film was widely praised and loved by audiences and critics alike,
grossing over $430 million worldwide and received a Golden Globe
nomination for Best Actor, an Academy Award nomination for Best
Original song. The film also went on to win a Golden Globe in the
same category for ‘This Is Me”, arguably one of the film’s
biggest songs. Together with the movie’s incredible production
value and dazzling performances by the cast, it was indeed on of
2017’s biggest hits.
more than great music and performances, The
Greatest Showman resonated
with millions around the globe because of its emotionally captivating
and heart-tugging story. The message it sent out to viewers truly hit
home and moved plenty of people — regardless of whether or not
you’re a circus entertainer, an entrepreneur, or simply just a
father. Here are five of the greatest life lessons that The
Greatest Showman taught
its viewers. (Some mild spoilers may follow!)
2017 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.
Dreaming big is important for yourself, but even more important when
you do it for others

is no shortage of movies that talk about dreaming big and focus on
the importance of following your dreams. However, The
Greatest Showman doesn’t
only stop at showcasing how critical it is to have big ambitions —
it also shows viewers that when you follow your dreams in order to
help others, it makes a big difference. In the film, P.T Barnum
pushes for this circus to help his family, his cast, and the
audiences. In fact, one of his most popular real-life quotes is: “The
noblest art is that of making others happy.” And it was this drive
that fuelled him to make his circus, indeed, the greatest show on
However, getting blinded by your dreams can cause you to lose sight
of what is truly important

often get caught up in their obsessions with fame and fortune and
this often ends up becoming their downfall. When Barnum gets too
preoccupied with touring and making his success bigger, he ends up
neglecting his family both at home and at the circus. He dismisses
their feelings and almost drives them away. This shows viewers that
in the end, it’s important to prioritize those who will by you at
the end of the day.
2017 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. All rights reserved.
Be unapologetic about who you are — shame will only hold you back

the song ‘This Is Me’, the hit track that won the film a Golden
Globe for best original song, the circus performers sing about how
despite all the judgment and hate that have come their way, they’re
still standing firm and not apologizing for who they are. The
performance is led and sang by Lettie Lutz (Keala Settle) whose raw
emotion and vocal prowess brings the song home. The anthem alone
sends a powerful message about how being ashamed of who you are does
you no good — you must love yourself as you are and the rest will
Taking risks and leaving your comfort zone is important

big theme across the film is how taking risks can be scary, but they
can also pay off. Barnum was a huge risk-taker and this can be seen
across all his decisions in the film — from pursuing his wife, to
hiring his cast, and even to buying his circus venue. Barnum
eventually persuades Phillip Carlyle (Zac Efron) to take a risk on
him as well in one of the movie’s most entertaining performances.
Barnum is proof that with the right calculations, taking risks is
important in success. After all, you miss all the shots that you
don’t take.
Happiness comes from within and sometimes what gets in the way of
that is ourselves

of characters in The
Greatest Showman were
at some point extremely unhappy for various reasons — they were
ashamed of themselves, discontented with their lives, struggling to
conform to society, or just hung up with the past. In the end, most
of them realized that the cause of their unhappiness were actually
themselves and they had to let go of some of those negative thoughts
and self-imposed rules in order to be free. There will be
people who judge us, there will be limits we can’t always break,
and situations that are beyond our control, but it’s how you choose
to react to these things that can really change how happy we truly
The Greatest Showman on video-streaming service FOX+ now!
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